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Three English Cathedrals: Norwich, Lincoln, Wells
45 minutes
Norwich Cathedral —
Wells Cathedral interior

In this video the late Edward Markee will introduce you to three of his favorite medieval English cathedrals: Anglo-Norman Norwich, Lincoln on its high hill, and Wells in its green valley. These three cathedrals illustrate the great changes of architectural style that have taken place over a period of four centuries.

The camera moves at floor level in natural light, simulating what a visitor would see on a walking tour, emphasizing the impressive depth and height of the structures and highlighting their sculptural decorations. Diagrams clarify the parts of each cathedral and the campaigns of construction and also show how worshipers proceeded through the buildings. Appropriate background music and song from the medieval period complements the images and narration.

You will learn how a medieval cathedral was used and how that use influenced its design: making it more impressive, more easily defended, or more elaborate as services changed. You will also visit surrounding buildings that satisfied the needs of those who served the cathedral, whether bishops, monks, canons, or vicars. 

Because each cathedral is visited in turn, the video may be viewed in three quarter-hour periods which may be convenient for classroom use or casual viewing. The video would be appropriate for use in high school art history classes, introductory college art history, and medieval courses.

Free Teacher's Guide (Download 300K PDF): To aid in using this video in a classroom, this guide elaborates information presented in the video and contains plans of the cathedrals with their important parts labeled. This guide will also be of interest to students researching related topics or to anyone interested in cathedral architecture.

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Excerpts: Watch this video excerpt - Three Cathedrals